Wednesday, January 28, 2009


February is quickly approaching, so I thought I would take a few minutes to jot down my goals and such I can see coming up next month.
  1. I have 5 appointments set at this time, I want to have to cancel none of them, Since I have a habit of postponing my appointments
  2. My DS's Birthday is this month, enjoy the day with him
  3. Finish class at church on the 9th.
  4. Finish Christmas present I am making for someone.
  5. Cut out Plastic canvas project ordered by BC
  6. Work on afghan that CA has ordered
  7. Increase water intake, by 10 oz a day by end of month
  8. Save all my dimes (new) pennies(already do)
  9. Sewing make me 1 new top, and make 1 set of curtains
  10. Read 4 times a week.
  11. Plan container gardening for spring

Now, I just have to make it through January, and all of the snow. Which I am so tired of, and we still have over a month of it left.

Feb. I am going to try to do a no spend month and only buy essentials, since I have already ordered DS's birthday present. We will go out to eat for DS's birthday too. Since I have things ordered I will use my time to work on those and they are both buying or bought the supplies to make them.
