Monday, February 16, 2009

Private RM

One of my DS's friends leaves for Boot camp on Wednesday, I wish him the BEST Private RM I wish you well and know you will succeede in all you do. This adopted Ma will be there if you need me, and will keep you in my heart and prayers. I will see you when you get home this summer. This adopted Ma loves you.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Happy Birthday to my Son who is 22 today, where have the years gone?

Mom LOVES you Bud

Quilt Robin

I am excited I have joined a row robin quilt swap I am so looking forward to doing this. This will be the biggest swap I have taken part in, and feel like it will be a good one. Go take a look at it, maybe you would be interested in participating.

I m looking at my fabrics, trying to decide what I want to do my row in or of, I almost wish I could do my row last to balance out color, but instead I get to take the lead. That way I can show what I want. Choices, Choices, Choices..... You could have the choices too by going over and joining in on the robin.


Thursday, February 12, 2009


Yes, I have been MIA in blogland, but not in life... I have just been very busy, and unable to get on here. I believe things will slow back down for a few days. I have had a few minutes to read my emails and clear my email box out. I even looked at a few blogs, and just a few minutes on HGTV site

Look at this bedroom I realy like it , I would just make it in lavender and purple

maybe I will loook at things, and see what I can do to redo my room I do need a headboard, I have a dresser compatible, I will have to play with the idea in my head. What does your dream rom look like, or something similar to it. I would like to redo my room and he upstairs bath, if I stay here another year. But until i know, I will not make any commitments until I know what I am doing.

Do you like fat quarters? If so go to see Sew,Mama,Sew! and sign up for the swap, You have today and tommorow to do so. Hurry over to join. I am so excited to get mine both to send out and in the mail.

I hope to have a quiet day for most of the day tommorow, It is DS's 22nd birthday, h hasnt decided what he wants for dinner yet, So I may need to make a grocery store run to pick up something, but I have not been in a store for a week, so its okay.
Have a nice Day

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Its Tuesday

Today was a day for me, I did not have DGS and I wasted alot of time, though I did get some grocery shopping done, as well as stop at the library and return some items due, and pick up some items that I have in that were requested. I did not surprisingly waste time at the library, I went in and right back out. At the grocery store I went a bit over budget, so I will have to balance it out in the next few weeks.

I have many thots in different areas of my home. So many things I would like to do, but have different reasions I can not.

Tonight I just really feel tired, so I think I will go to sleep early, and hopefully wake up refreshed.

I hope everyone had a nice day.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Catch Up

Many thots runnng through my mind, but first I will tell of my week end..

Friday I was out running errands, and paying bills and such as well as necesities and my meds.

Saturday I went to an indoor flea market sponsored by Boy Scout Troop DS use to belong to.. I spent $1 on self, $6.50 on DGS and $.50 on DD. DS didnt want anything. Then we went to a goodwill store, I spent $2.50 on DGS and nothing on anyone else.

Later that night I went with DS and his GF to Tower City ,I went to the dollar store and got some printer paper for a dollar. I also got myself an eye mask for when I am trying to nap. they stayed there for a movie and I came on home.

Sunday the 3 of us and a friend went to Mall that has a WalMart right there. I got some yarn, yes, I started out Feb bad, I decided to make someone a veigated black afghan, and I saw the yarn and got it. Enough for an afghan for under $20 that birthday present for a summer birthday is taken care of, atleast the buying, now I need to make it. DS's GF got me a Airwick air freshner, and she got herself a few things. We came home and had pizza for dinner, they watched Superbowl and I watched Fox line up and inspected the insides of my eyelids for pin holes. Didnt find any.

Monday I stayed home, I have DGS today, and I have spent time with him. I also worked on above said afghan some, and I will work on my lavender one tonight, yes, I have 2 afghans started, one is too bigh to take with me when I am away from home, and the other is a new one, so when I am on bus, I can take it with me to work on. Dinner tonight is Chicken and vegetable rice.
